Stikkordarkiv: hegemon

Premiere: Hegemon – Interpreting Signs of War: Aruspicine

Hegemon Contemptus Mundi cover small

De franske undergrunns-svartmetallerne i Hegemon er snart klare med sitt fjerde album siden de startet for 20 år siden, The Hierarch, og vi kan her presentere første smakebit derfra i form av låta Interpreting Signs of War: Aruspicine. Bandet sier selv følgende om låta: «This song is the perfect expression of HEGEMON‘s views about how mankind has always made war at all costs. From antiquity with art of soothsaying (‘aruspicine’), to our modern days with all those fake reasons to invade foreign soil, our race has shown that war and chaos are in our blood. This leads to the general theme of our album: chaos from the creation of space and time until the very end of everything. ‘The Hierarch’ stands for the hatred, the violence and all the dark instincts, which we as humans are made of. This album touches the fact that the history of humanity lasts just a glimpse of an eye long in comparison to the vastness of the universe. We think that we are everything, nut this is our greatest mistake. We are blind and thus we will stay until the end…»

Albumet slippes på Season of Mist 13. november.

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