Stikkordarkiv: disperse

Premiere: Disperse – Stay


Den polsk/engelske kvartetten Disperse slipper 10. februar sitt tredje album, Foreword. Bandet er inspirert av giganter som Pink Floyd, Dream Theater og Cynic, og deres uforutsigbare, progressive og virtuose metal skiller dem klart fra mengden.

Vi presenterer her første smakebit fra albumet, i form av låta Stay, og bandet har selv følgende å si om dette sporet:  «One of the very first demo tracks for our new album turned into ‘Stay’. The song revolves around trust and staying true to yourself, no matter what. It is about opportunities – the ones we take and the ones we miss. ‘Stay’ is also dealing with rediscovering beauty in places and things after we had stopped seeing it. As the album is dedicated to Rafał’s mother, who passed away last year – this track is first and foremost about that dedication.»


Jakub Żytecki: guitars
Rafał Biernacki: vocals, keyboards
Mike Malyan: drums
Bartosz Wilk: bass


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