Videopremiere: Crippled Black Phoenix – Scared and Alone


Crippled Black Phoenix er sentrert rundt den britiske multi-intrumentalisten Justin Greaves (Iron Monkey, Gonga, Mogwai, Electric Wizard, Hearts of Black Science), som først så skogens lys i 2004, og slapp sitt debutalbum to år senere. Nå er han på trappene med sitt sjette studioalbum under Crippled Black Phoenix-banneret, og det har fått tittelen Bronze. Med seg har Greaves en rekke musikere med bakgrunn som strekker seg fra death metal til pop, og resultatet har blitt nok et album som er vrient å båssette sjangermessig, men lett å elske dersom man er fan av musikk som henter fra både metal, progressiv rock, gothrock og annet, og der fellesnevnerne er lidelse, desperasjon, lengsel, tap, melankoli og nostalgi.

Nå slipper de første video fra albumet Bronze, til låta Scared and Alone, og temaet for videoen, som er skapt av den rumenske videoartisten Costin Chioreanu er depresjon, representert ved en metaforisk svart hund.

CBP-frontmann Justin Greaves sier selv følgende om Scared and Alone: «Costin Chioreanu has created an amazing clip. His animation fits so very well that this can only come from someone, who truly understands the feeling behind this song. It is not an easy thing to connect with so I have nothing but respect and praise for Costin. ‘Scared and Alone’ speaks volumes about being cut off from the outside world and other people when the «Black Dog» bites. Depression, anxiety and mental health are becoming bigger issues and when someone speaks up, it opens a door for other people to get things off their mind. Belinda wrote the lyrics as well as doing the vocals for ‘Scared and Alone’ and she did not need to be given any direction. As always, she took the title and the music and shaped the most real and heartfelt words into a very poetic form. I am deeply satisfied with the way everything turned out, both sonically and visually.»

Costin Chioreanu har følgende å si: «No human being can ever get completely free of depression, simply because we can never be completely happy. The root of this sick behaviour pattern is our need to always increase the intensity of our life’s pleasures – regardless of the issue. We need more and more or we fall into a hole. In this state, we pretty much resemble drug addicts. This greed is amplified by society, which imposes desires on us and once our minds have been trained to function in accordance with such parameters, it becomes increasingly difficult to get back to something simple that we have either forgotten or never known to exist. The story of ‘Scared and Alone’ gives the complete picture of this gaping hole, the inner view of an entire life from the perspective of a person with no escape.»


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