Kategoriarkiv: Premiere

Låtpremiere! She Said Destroy – Not Only Bridges


She Said Destroy er en unik rusten jernblomst i den norske metalfloraen. Siden de startet i dagens form i 2003, har bandet båret sammenligninger med band som Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge, Today is the Day og Cult of Luna med hevet hode, men trass i mange lovord har de aldri holdt noen ekstremt høy profil, og like gjerne forsvunnet under jorden mellom utgivelser. Etter bandets andre album, This City Speaks in Tongues, tok det 4 år før vi hørte noe fra dem igjen, og da vad det med den suverene og særdeles ambisiøse EP’en Bleeding Fiction, som bestod av ett enkelt 27 minutter langt spor! Dette var tilbake i 2012, og siden da har det vært totalt stille. I mellomtiden har vokalist Anders UGMOD holdt seg travel med dobbelt Spellemann-nominerte Beaten to Death,som underveis har sluppet hele 5 utgivelser, men nå er det altså endelig dags for ny musikk med selveste She Said Destroy!

Senere i år kommer den etterlengtede tredjeskiva, Succession, og for en måneds tid siden droppa de tittelsporet på alle strømmetjenester. Den godt over åtte minutter lange låta overrasket mange med sin kombinasjon av atmosfæriske toner og et intenst øs av en annen verden, og nå kommer andre smakebit fra skiva i form av låta Not Only Bridges, som er et relativt annerledes beist. Her er det ingen eteriske fløyelsputer for ørene, men et beintight driv og en energi som får rett i strupen på deg! Bandet selv beskriver låta slik: «Dette er et stykke musikk drevet av frustrasjon og sorg over det åpenbart fatale utfallet vår kortsiktige, egoistiske og pengedrevne livsførsel har for alt og alle. Markedet rår, ingenting består. Her viser bandet frem sin kjærlighet til d-beat-drevet hardcore punk. Musikken er bygget opp rundt et tema som lå til modning på riffloftet i femten år og resten av musikken ble skrevet i studio.»

Låta slippes for allmennheten 4. juni, men du kan allerede nå høre den HER!


facebook.com/shesaiddestroynorway  |  shesaiddestroynorway.bandcamp.com


Låtpremiere! Xeper – Of Purity and Death

Gorgoroth-bassisten slipper nytt album med norske black metal-helter på laget!

Xeper ble dannet i Treviso, Italia av gitarist Guh.Lu, med bakgrunn fra band som Throne of Katarsis, Setherial og Impiety, i tillegg til at han siden 2012 har vært bassist i selveste Gorgoroth. Bandet slipper nå sitt fjerde album, Ad Numen Satanae, via eminente Soulseller Records, og på denne skiva har italienerne fått med seg eminente musikere som Blasphemer (Mayhem, Aura Noir, Vltimas) og V. Einride (Whoredom Rife)! Det låter monumentalt, episk og ondskapsfullt, og det er bare å nyte dette beistet av en låt, Of Purity and Death, som har premiere i dag! Albumet slippes 26. februar.


Xeper på Facebook


Låtpremiere! Inflabitan – Children of The Damned

Norsk undergrunnshelt albumdebuterer etter 28 år!

Inflabitan ble startet allerede i 1993, som et enmannsband oppkalt etter multiinstrumentalist/vokalist Sigmund «Inflabitan» Hansen med bakgrunn fra Strid og DHG. Etter to demoer i 1993 og ’94 ble det stille lenge (med unntak av samlingen Wanderer of Grief fra 2010, som inneholdt låtene fra disse demoene pluss to demoinnspillinger fra 1995 med Aggressor fra Aura Noir, DHG, Ved Buens Ende mm), men nå kommer endelig debutalbumet Intrinsic! Som tidligere, trakterer Inflabitan selv alt av gitarer, bass og vokal, mens trommis på Intrinsic er ingen ringere enn AntiChristian fra bl.a. Tsjuder, Beaten to Death og Cumshots. Resultatet er 10 låter med total overkjøring i form av en herlig kombinasjon av thrash, death og black metal.

Albumet slippes 26. februar, og her er en smakebit derfra, i form av det tunge, dystre og mektige eposet Children of the Damned.


Inflabitan på Facebook 


Videopremiere med Spellemann-nominerte Beaten to Death!


Videopremiere med Spellemann-nominerte Beaten to Death!

Norges eneste grindcoreband, Beaten to Death, mottok fredag sin andre Spellemann-nominasjon for bandets femte album, Laat maar, ik verhuis naar het bois, og i den anledning har de vært så elskverdige å la oss eksklusivt få dele denne videoen fra innspillingen av skiva. Dette et GoPro-opptak av take’et av låta Melankolske Oppstøt som slapp gjennom nåløyet og ble med på skiva. Bandet spiller alltid inn alle instrumentene live i studio. Lyden på videoen er en miks av lyd fra skiva og kameralyden for å gi et bilde av den fete klangen i innspillingsrommet. Låta handler om å være en sutrekopp.

Skiva er stadig tilgjengelig på vinyl i et knippe bra platesjapper eller delt opp over fire digitale EP’er på bandets bandcampside. På øvrige strømmetjenester er kun 2 av 4 EP’er tilgjengelige. Den tredje i rekka blir sluppet i disse kanalene førstkommende fredag.


Beaten To Death  Facebook  |  Bandcamp  


Videopremiere: Audrey Horne – This Is War

Audrey Horne slipper endelig sitt nye album, Blackout, i januar! Her er første smakebit, i form av videoen til låta This Is War, som vi kjører eksklusiv premiere på!


Blackout track listing:

  1. This Is War
  2. Audrevolution
  3. Blackout
  4. This One
  5. Midnight Man
  6. Light Your Way
  7. California
  8. Satellite
  9. Naysayer
  10. Rose Alley
  11. Juggernaut (Bonus Track)
  12. The End (Bonus Track)

Blackout blir tilgjengelig i følgende formater:
Ltd Digipack incl 2 Bonus Tracks
LP Gatefold + 7inch incl Bonus 2 Tracks
Digital Album incl. 10 Tracks


Audrey Horne :  Facebook  |  Hjemmeside  |  Forhåndsbestill HER.


Frontfoto: Bernt René Synnevåg

Premiere: Shining – Jag Är Din Fiende

The 10″ vinyl single ‘Fiende’, slated for release on the 24th of November, is the first excerpt from the forthcoming SHINING album ‘X – Varg Utan Flock’, which will be released on January 5th 2018. The A-side features the album track «Jag Är Din Fiende» and delivers a raw and brutal sound contrasting with a surprisingly progressive guitar solo. The B-side contains a largely acoustic cover version of «No Rest For The Wicked», originally from Swedish rockabilly act The Coffinshakers.

SHINING mastermind Niklas Kvarforth comments: «The third track, ‘Jag Är Din Fiende’, from our upcoming tenth album embodies everything that SHINING represents on a musical level. An uncompromising mix of high and low tainted with a sinister atmosphere of horrible unease. Lyrically, this track speaks of the need and means for retribution, making not only this, but the album overall, infused with a nightmarish maliciousness and a pitch-black hatred that hasn’t been as prominent on our earlier albums. There is a war coming and this is our statement on what we have in store for you!»


Shining Facebook  |  Shining Web  |  Seasons of Mist Facebook  |  Forhåndsbestill HER.


Premiere: Auðn – Í Hálmstráið Held

«We are ecstatic to present ‘Í Hálmstráið Held’ to you, the first track taken from our new album, which is entitled ‘Farvegir Fyrndar’. We feel that this song represents our record very well as it points into the direction, which we are striving for. ‘Í Hálmstráið Held’ retains the atmosphere of our previous release, but sounds both more aggressive and melodic at the same time. We are taking things a step further and hope that you will join us!»


Audn Facebook  |  Seasons of Mist Facebook  |  Forhåndsbestill HER.


Premiere: Then Comes Silence – Strange Kicks

Then Comes Silence slipper her sin nye video, til låta «Strange Kicks»! Vi har den glede av å kjøre premiere på den her, og under kan du lese hva bandet selv sier om både den nye låta og et par andre saker.

– What inspired you to write this particular song?

It was time for a lovesong. It’s not a typical sentimental tune, but I hope the song opens a door to something amazing. I’ve had it on my mind for some time and when I came up with this rhythm and riff I could finally finish the song.

– What do the lyrics deal with?

It’s about appreciating, giving, accepting and consuming pleasure and satisfaction.
If you are seeking pleasure, love whoever you want and do what you like. In a healthy way.
Call it kinky if you like.

– What would be your greatest inspiration for writing music in general?

What I’m rembering about yesterday, what I appreciate today and what I’m believing about tomorrow. In terms of inspiration, I don’t wait for that particular moment to come. When I decide to start writing new songs it’s plain work. I don’t really feel inspired, instead I feel motivated and open minded. The darker things in our lives make me want to go to the studio and on stage. The fire that motivates me


Founded in 2012 in Stockholm by singer and main songwriter Alex SvensonTHEN COMES SILENCE have released three albums since and gathered an ever-growing following within the international scene.


Alex Svenson – vox, bass, synth
Seth Kapadia – guitars
Jens Karnstedt – guitars
Jonas Fransson – drums

26.08. DE Lübeck, Riders Café
31.08. PL  Gdansk, Soundrive Festival
15.11. DE Hamburg, Hafenklang
17.11. DE Berlin, Slaughterhouse
18.11. DE Wuerzburg, Labyrinth
21.11. DE Frankfurt, Das Bett
​22.11. BE Ghent, Terrazza Events
24.11. DE Leipzig, Hellraiser
25.11. DE Bielefled, Nr. z. P.

www.facebook.com/thencomessilence | www.nuclearblast.de/thencomessilence


Premiere: Vulture Industries – As The World Burns

Vulture Industries comment regarding «As the World Burns»: «This song represent the rockier side of our new album and is one of my personal favourites. ‘As the World Burns’ deals with the interdependence of extreme world views that need each other to justify their existence – a theme that is quite relevant in our strange and hazy present. Once more we have teamed up with our friend and sixth band member, the brilliant Mr. Costin Chioreanu for a video. Of course, Costin also created the album artwork. These are the first fruits of our continued co-operation and I sincerely promise that there are a lot of more strange harvests to come your way. Take a bite!»

Frontman Bjørnar E. Nilsen adds about the new album: «Continuing along the path that we started to explore on ‘The Tower’, I proudly believe ‘Stranger Times’ to be standing out as a defining work for us. It bridges the gap between styles that we have touched upon in the past, while at the same time expands our scope and includes a more solid dose of rock in the mix. To me, it represents our most ‘solid’ album to date and is clearly the best produced one. I am curious to see how our fans will react, but being the kind and intelligent persons that they are, we actually expect a lot of love… and maybe a bit of trash just to remind us that we are mere mortals.»

Regarding their upcoming tour, the Norwegians state: «This will be our most ambitious tour to date and we are of course looking enthusiastically forward to visit all of our favourite places and people again. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to present material from our new album ‘Stranger Times’ in concert format. We will of course supplement this with favourites from our catalogue. We much appreciate everyone, who has requests for a song or two to stop by our Facebook and drop us a comment. Please feel cordially invited to let us know what you want to hear!»

Release date: September 22nd, 2017.


Vulture Industries Facebook  |  Seasons of Mist Facebook  |  Forhåndsbestill HER.

Foto: Jarle H. Moe

Premiere: Septicflesh – Dante’s Inferno

SEPTICFLESH are painting an apocalyptic vision and make full use of their impressive musical palette consisting of death metal and orchestral colours on their tenth full-length, ‘Codex Omega’.

From their alpha EP ‘Temple of the Lost Race’ that was released one year after their founding in 1990, the Greek musicians have pushed the limits of the metal genre and continued to explore new sonic path with every following release from their debut album ‘Mystic Places of Dawn’ (1994) to the stunning ‘Sumerian Daemons’ (2003), which have in the meantime all been re-issued by Season of Mist.

Yet SEPTICFLESH had clearly come into their own sound when they unleashed their celebrated comeback album after a five-year hiatus that re-charged their artistic batteries. ‘Communion’ (2008) offered a well-balanced amalgamation of metal elements that were freely drawn from the darker side of the genre including death, black, and gothic metal with epic orchestral arrangements. This symphonic excellence was based on guitarist Christos Antoniou bringing to bear the fruits of his academic studies of classical composition, which he passed with honours and distinction.

With a clear musical compass to navigate, SEPTICFLESH continued to explore their sound and the compositional possibilities of this new-found metal continent. ‘The Great Mass’ (2011) and ‘Titan’ (2014) saw the Greeks evolving at fast speed and at the same time gathering adherents as well as critical praise in ever growing numbers. Extended touring on both sides of the Atlantic and performances at about every important festival further consolidated the bands burgeoning status.

Although the biblical omega marks the end, SEPTICFLESH on the contrary are reaching their current peak with ‘Codex Omega’, an album that clearly witnesses the Greek visionaries having come to maturity and expert craftsmanship in every sense. SEPTICFLESH are the undisputable masters of symphonic death metal and ‘Codex Omega’ is the perfect proof for this bold statement.

Sotiris comments on behalf of SEPTICFLESH: «We are proud to present the first track from the upcoming album ‘Codex Omega’. The song is appropriately entitled ‘Dante’s Inferno’, acting as a gateway to hell… As it was inscribed on the top of the Hellgate in the famous poem by Dante Alighieri, ‘Through me you pass into the city of woe; Through me you pass into eternal pain; Through me among the people lost for aye’. This is just the first glimpse, the entrance to our new album. Stay tuned as more will gradually be revealed with the release date of our new album getting closer… »



Septicflesh Facebook  |  Seasons of Mist Facebook  |  Forhåndsbestill HER.


Videopremiere: Then Comes Silence – The Dead Cry For No One

Nuclear Blast annonserer i dag signeringen av det svenske gotiske postpunk-bandet Then Comes Silence. Bandet slipper sitt fjerde album senere i år, men allerede nå er første smakebit klar, i form av videoen til låta The Dead Cry For No One!

«Just listening to it now, and loving it! Reminds me of post punk bands like The Mission, Generation X, New Model Army, Christian Death mixed with the last In Solitude album. Ace!» Dani Filth / CRADLE OF FILTH

«I’m a fan. This is the most important dark rock band that has come out for two decades!» Jyrki69 / THE 69 EYES


Then Comes Silence Facebook


Albumpremiere: Sólstafir – Berdreyminn

Islenderene i Sólstafir står utvilsomt for et av årets mest etterlengtede album, og nå er det endelig klart for deres nye utgivelse, Berdreyminn! Albumtittelen kan oversettes til «Sanndrømt», og denne gangen har bandet tatt nok et steg videre mot det lavmælte, psykedeliske og stemningsfylte, med et større fokus i retning klassisk hard rock enn den mer ekstreme metalen bandet startet med. Stikkordene er melankoli, lengsel, sinne, lykke, smerte og andre sterke følelser.

Det er med stolthet at Metal Hammer Norway nå kan presentere albumet i sin helhet for streaming, en dag før den fysiske utgivelsen! Bandet er klare for Midgardsblót 18. august, og vi gleder oss ikke noe mindre nå!

Addi sier selv følgende om albumet! “Finally, the time has come to present you Berdreyminn in its entirety. Hopefully, the previous pieces that we have released will now fall into their rightful places in the puzzle that this album represents. There is much to explore, surprises to discover as well as meeting old friend again, and we sincerely hope that you will like what you find. Enjoy!”

Albumrelease er 26. mai.


Sólstafir Facebook  |  Seasons of Mist Facebook  |  Forhåndsbestill HER.


Premiere: Leng Tch’e – Gundog Allegiance

Te belgiske grind-ekstremistene Leng Tch’e slipper i år ENDELIG oppfølgeren til 2010-albumet Hypomaniac, og deres nye plate har fått den megetsigende tittelen Razorgrind! Her er første smakebit, i form av låta Gundog Allegiance!

Bandet sier selv følgende om låta: «Here’s the first song off our new album Razorgrind. It’s a short and heavy grinder with our patented groove thrown into the mix. A violent song about violent tendencies in humanity when brainwashed by religion… Alas all too relevant in today’s violent world. All we can say is: enjoy life and enjoy the grind!»


Leng Tch’e Facebook  |  Seasons of Mist Facebook  |  Forhåndsbestill HER


Albumpremiere: Devil – To The Gallows

Norske DEVIL er tilbake med sitt tredje album 21. april. Ta en sniklytt på hele albumet her allerede nå!

The band comments: «Bands always say that their newest effort is their greatest. We say fuck that. This is a heavy rock album, and it’s up to the listener to decide how good it is. We’re darned proud of it, though, and think it sums up the first era of Devil pretty good, with maybe our most heavy metal parts so far, but still building around The Riff, the main ingredient in any heavy metal song writing. We like to think we’ve come a long way these years, and are happy to end our first trilogy with this album. We’re more of a band than ever, and joint efforts have made further improvements to the band. We’d say this is an album still for fans of Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Witchfinder General, etc, but also touching into the 1981 NWOBHM quite a bit, especially on the title track.» Now it’s time to repent, gather the sinners and march to the gallows!




Devil Facebook


Premiere: Carach Angren – Song For the Dead

16. juni slipper nederlandske Carach Angren sitt femte album, Dance and Laugh amongst the Rotten. Her er første smakebit i form av Song For The Dead.

Bandet kommenterer: «After months of hard work, we proudly reopen the doors to our haunted mansion to reveal the first deadly taste of our upcoming concept album. A unique horror story as you all expect and deserve from us, we consider this as one of the most terrifying tracks that we have created so far.»

Carach Angren Facebook

Seasons of Mist Facebook

Forhåndsbestill HER.


Premiere: Merrimack – Apophatic Weaponry

Merrimacks nye skive Omegaphilia slippes 9. juni. Her er første smakebit, Apophatic Weaponry!

Merrimack kommenterer: «For this song, as on the whole album, we wanted to come back to something more rooted in the 90’s. With a less complex structure, and a sound not as modern and claustrophobic as on our latest albums, ‘Apophatic Weaponry’ still has our characteristic moody atmosphere with some crawling mid-tempos riffs. This is especially noticeable on the second half of the track. Our lyrics are dealing with the special connection between beings and their faith, even though it is constructed on a void trying to fill in another vacant space of nothingness. The divine cannot be observed, demonstrated, except by its consequences. In the end, this is the definition of faith as opposed to reason. This concept of negative theology is a mystical approach towards the divine that attempts to describe it through the impossibility of describing it. Eckhart. Jacob Böhme and most of the German mystics tried to increase their faith with such notions.»


Marrimack Facebook

Seasons of Mist Facebook

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